Electrical Engineering Salary in Saudi Arabia ||Average Electrical Technician Salary in Mecca Saudi Arabia for 2023

Normal Electrical Professional Compensation in Mecca, Saudi Arabia for 2023

Electrical Engineering  Salary in Saudi Arabia ||Average Electrical Technician Salary in Mecca  Saudi Arabia for 2023

In this article, we will check out at the typical Electrical Specialist pay for 2023 in Mecca and how that thinks about to different nations and callings. We'll likewise take a gander at intriguing compensation information focuses like middle compensation, 25th and 75th percentile pay rates, pay sums in light of involvement, extra ranges from there, the sky is the limit!

The information in this article has been aggregated utilizing official government pay information, compensation reviews, and different sources, for example, work postings which contain pay data.

All compensation data is in the nearby money, which is the Saudi riyal. To keep things straightforward, we are utilizing the SAR money code rather than the cash image 

How Much Does an Electrical Technician Make in Mecca?

The amount Does an Electrical Specialist Make in Mecca?

An Electrical Specialist working in Mecca will commonly acquire around 97,460 SAR each year, and this can go from the most reduced typical compensation of around 51,400 SAR to the most noteworthy typical compensation of 152,000 SAR.

Normal Yearly Compensation

97,460 SAR

Normal Month to month Compensation

8,121 SAR

Most reduced Yearly Compensation

51,400 SAR

Most reduced Month to month Pay

4,283 SAR

Most elevated Yearly Compensation

152,000 SAR

Most elevated Month to month Compensation

12,666 SAR

These are normal pay rates for an Electrical Specialist in Mecca and incorporate advantages like lodging and transport. It's additionally workable for an Electrical Professional to acquire pretty much than the typical pay rates displayed previously.

Electrical Professional pay rates will differ a great deal founded on your experience, area, abilities, and orientation. Continue to peruse beneath to explore more information on every one of these areas.

Circulation of Electrical Expert Compensations in Mecca

So we've taken a gander at the typical pay rates an Electrical Expert will procure in Mecca. The following intriguing information point is the dissemination of pay rates.

Pay ranges

We definitely realize that an Electrical Specialist can acquire between 51,400 SAR and 152,000 SAR on normal in Mecca. This is known as the reach in measurements.

The distinction between the most extreme and least qualities is a decent mark of fluctuation in pay rates, and can be utilized by bosses to sort out the amount they can hope to pay, and for representatives to know the amount they can procure.

Middle compensation

The middle compensation for an Electrical Specialist in Mecca is 94,400 SAR. This is the center worth in the conveyance of compensations.

This means roughly half of the populace acquire under 94,400 SAR, and half of the populace procure in excess of 94,400 SAR.

Assuming you are procuring more than the middle compensation, that is a decent marker that you are being compensated fairly.

In the event that you're not procuring more than the middle compensation, your goal ought to be to build your profit to be to some extent as high as the middle compensation (which you can do by requesting a compensation rise, searching for a superior paying position, and so on).


Percentiles are like the middle compensation, however rather than taking a gander at the center worth, they check out at the qualities in the top and base portion of the dissemination.

For the typical Electrical Expert compensation in Mecca, 25% of the populace are procuring under 64,620 SAR while 75% of the populace acquire in excess of 64,620 SAR.

75% of the populace procure under 116,780 SAR, and 25% of the populace acquire in excess of 116,780 SAR.

Like the middle compensation, the 25th and 75th percentile pay rates can be utilized to figure out which quartile you fall into so you know whether you are being paid all around ok contrasted with others in your calling and area.

THE Distinction BETWEEN A Middle AND A Normal Compensation

The middle and normal compensation are the two markers you can use to check whether you are being paid genuinely founded on the general populace.

How Much Does an Electrical Technician,   Make in Mecca?

Assuming that your compensation is higher than the normal and the middle compensation, you are acquiring all around contrasted with others.

On the off chance that your compensation is below the normal and the middle compensation, it could demonstrate you are not being paid all around ok.

In the event that you are some in the middle between, it's precarious to decide whether you are being paid alright and you could have to explore all the more intently.

Electrical and Professional Compensation by Experience Level in Mecca and Medina

The main consider deciding your compensation after the particular calling is the quantity of years experience you have. It makes sense that more long stretches of involvement will bring about a higher compensation.

We have explored the normal electrical professional compensation in light of long periods of involvement to provide you with a thought of how the typical changes whenever you've functioned for a specific measure of time.

1 - 2 Years Experience. An Electrical Expert in Mecca that has under two years of involvement can hope to procure some place in the locale of 60,480 SAR.

 2-5 Years Experience. With two to five years of involvement the typical Electrical Professional compensation would increment to 75,620 SAR.

5 - 10 Years Experience. From five to a decade of involvement as an Electrical Professional, the normal compensation would be 101,860 SAR.

10 - 15 Years Experience. When you have over decade of involvement the typical compensation stretches around 125,100 SAR.

15 - 20 Years Experience. An Electrical Professional with 15 to 20 years of involvement can acquire a normal of 136,200 SAR.

20+ Years Experience. For an Electrical Specialist with over 20 years, the normal typical compensation increments to 143,200 SAR.

Normal Compensation by Experience Graph

0-2 Years

60,480 SAR

2-5 Years +34%

78,620 SAR

5-10 Years +30%

101,860 SAR

10-15 Years +21%

125,100 SAR

15-20 Years +9%

136,200 SAR

20+ Years +5%

143,200 SAR

Electrical Specialist Pay by Schooling Level in Mecca

As well as involvement with a task, your schooling assumes a major part in the amount you can procure. A ton of more lucrative positions require an elevated degree of instruction, yet what amount might a degree at any point expand your compensation?

In our exploration we have thought about the compensations of representatives in a similar work and profession level with various degrees of training to perceive the amount more you can procure at every schooling level.

The compensation you can acquire in view of your schooling is quite certain to both your area and the vocation way you pick.

In our examination, we took a gander at the typical compensation for an Electrical Expert in Mecca in view of the schooling level of the representatives to see if superior training level would expand your compensation.

Secondary School. An Electrical Expert in Mecca with a secondary school training can procure a typical compensation of 68,320 SAR.

Testament or Certificate. An Electrical Specialist in Mecca with a declaration or confirmation schooling can procure a typical compensation of 99,340 SAR.

Four year certification. An Electrical Specialist in Mecca with a four year certification training can procure a typical compensation of 139,100 SAR.

Normal Compensation by Instruction Outline

Secondary School

68,320 SAR

Endorsement or Diploma +43%

99,340 SAR

Unhitched male's Degree +38%

139,100 SAR

The amount IS A MASTER'S Certification OR MBA PROGRAM?

The rough expense of a graduate degree or post-graduate program like a MBA in Saudi Arabia is around 83,500 to 251,000 SAR and requires two years to finish.

As you can see above, there are monetary advantages from arriving at graduate degree level, yet don't anticipate seeing a very remarkable compensation increment until you have finished the degree.

It's normal for individuals to seek after a MBA or other post-graduate program to change to a task that pays more. By and large, you can hope to procure around 10% more while changing to another organization.

Whether you choose to seek after a graduate degree relies upon many elements. Assuming you can manage the cost of it, the numbers propose that the profit from speculation is worth the effort and you could recuperate the costs in a couple of years from the compensation increment you would get.

Electrical Specialist Pay Thought about by Orientation

In the cutting edge age, we realize that there ought to never be a compensation hole among people. Tragically, in numerous callings, there is as yet a tremendous distinction between the compensations procured by men when contrasted with the compensation of ladies in a similar work.

In Mecca, a male electrical expert will procure a normal of 97,840 SAR, while a female electrical specialist will acquire around 88,580 SAR.

This implies that a male electrical professional procures roughly 10% in excess of a female electrical expert for playing out a similar work.

Normal Compensation by Orientation Graph in Mecca


97,840 SAR

Female -10%

88,580 SAR

Electrical Professional Normal Increase in salary in Mecca

In numerous nations, a yearly increase in salary is much of the time given to representatives to remunerate their administration with a compensation increment.

From our examination, we can see that the typical increase in salary for an Electrical Specialist in Mecca is around 8% like clockwork.

The public typical salary increase across all callings and enterprises in Saudi Arabia is around 8% like clockwork.

For this situation, we can see that the quantity of months between the normal salary increase is higher than the regular a year.

To make the information more significant, we can work out what the inexact yearly increase in salary would utilize a straightforward recipe:

Yearly Increment = ( Increment Rate ÷ Months ) × 12

So for this model, it would be:

Yearly Increment = ( 8 ÷ 19 ) × 12 = 5%

This means an Electrical Professional in Mecca can hope to get a typical increase in salary of around 5% like clockwork.

Yearly Salary increase by Industry in Mecca for 2023

In the diagram beneath, you can see the typical yearly salary increase rates for every one of the significant enterprises in Saudi Arabia.

You will see that organizations in greater and more worthwhile businesses will more often than not have the higher yearly increases in salary.





Data Innovation


Medical care








Electrical Professional Reward and Motivation Rates in Mecca

One more piece of your general remuneration in a task is how much reward you get. Some work jobs will be bound to pay a reward than others and furthermore bound to have higher extra rates.

By and large, that are more engaged with direct income age will get higher

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